Feeling At Home in Braga, Portugal

In search of my next home in Portugal

Lisa Tisdale
5 min readJul 25, 2024


A downtown street at night with very few people and illuminated only by lights from stores and streetlamps.
Peace Returns to the Streets of Braga (photo by author)

Peace Returns to Braga…Along with a Little PTSD

With Braga’s Festival of São João officially over, I was looking forward to some relief from the incessant drumlines, annoying festival jingles, and loud concerts. All the chaos had almost cut in half the average amount of sleep I got each night according to my Fitbit. Every morning the device had delivered my latest sleep deprivation stats and I had come dangerously close to stomping it into pieces many times.

Finally, it was time to start dismantling the stages built for the event. As I passed one that had been built to host concerts conveniently across the street from my apartment, I noticed some construction workers standing idle. I resisted the urge to yell for them to get back to work.

While the streets were free of jingles and drumlines, sometimes I still thought I heard them which always brought on a wave of sleep-deprived flashbacks. However, as the days passed and the peace held, I relaxed into the easy rhythm that is life in Braga.



Lisa Tisdale

After a year of life in Lisbon, I am currently on a one year trip through Portugal, to learn more about my new country! Travel Consultant, tistravels.com